'The Only Way' to Lose Weight.
Introducing a Weight Loss Formula that Works
True freedom is not another diet. Real freedom does not include weighing, measuring, or calorie counting. If that sounds too good to be true, it’s only because you have been programmed into believing that weight loss is hard. This belief is so insidious that the majority of the world’s population has bought into it, yet is it true? It, is true if you believe it, because everyone’s world is a direct result of their beliefs. If you shift those beliefs, letting go of excess weight can be easy and it can also be enjoyable.
Who wouldn’t be happy to watch and feel the pounds falling away week on week? That could be you too; imagine it! Imagine being free from the hold food ‘seems’ to have on you. I say ‘seems’ because in actual fact food has no hold over you at all, as you will find out when you join the program, ‘The Only Way’™ to Lose Weight.
Joining the program means you can be free forever, and this is no idle promise. I make it because, after using hypnotherapy to help people to lose weight for years, I finally realised that there was only one way to get slim and stay there and, this way was easy painless and successful. Once I fully understood the process I created a program around it, and it’s called ‘The Only Way’™.
‘The Only Way’™ to achieve permanent Weight Loss
The program does include hypnosis, or at least a version of it. However, unlike traditional hypnosis that often calls for listening to a 20 to 30 minute recording every day. The form of hypnosis we use only takes minutes at a time.
This new program is not ‘a’ way to lose weight, let’s face it there are millions of ways of losing weight being advertised, all of them claiming success, and I am not dismissing them at all. In fact, understanding ‘The Only Way’™ makes sense of why the craziest of diets can, and often do, work, because success is nothing to do with the diet, it is a state of mind. With the right state of mind, weight loss can be very achievable indeed.
I discovered that everyone, everywhere, at any time, who has successfully lost weight, had been using a ‘formula.’ It’s true that they would also have been on a diet but alongside their diet they were following a particular formula.
A Weight Loss Formula
If you have ever been on a successful diet in the past, you were using the formula, but you just didn’t realise it was the formula that was doing the trick, you thought it was the diet. Then because you didn’t understand what was actually behind your weight loss; you probably found you couldn’t repeat it at a later date. What actually happened was, you didn’t understand the formula, and it is a formula, so you couldn’t repeat it.
You couldn’t repeat it because you didn’t even know you were using it in the first place, and yet it’s so easy to do once you understand that it is a formula, and once you have access to the formula you can do it too.
Check out my main site here
Imagine how it would feel to get your life back. Take the first step to your freedom today
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Relax, just breathe
The Struggle is Over: 'The Only Way to Lose Weight'™
Changing your mind will change your life, your shape, your size, your body and your destiny but that might be easier said than done. You’ve probably been trying to do that for what seems like an age, getting nowhere fast. Not knowing how your mind becomes mentally programmed, how it uses its programming and how to change the programs you no longer desire, you could struggle on forever and never achieve any kind of permanent success.
The human mind is so powerful, use it correctly and you have a marvellous ally. Use it incorrectly and it can be your worst enemy. That’s why it could be time to admit that your best efforts have come to nothing and put yourself in expert hands.
The weight loss program, ‘The Only Weigh’™ was developed after I had a sudden realisation that every successful dieter had, no matter what diet they were following, been using a particular formula. Once I understood what the formula was I searched to find out if anyone else had discovered it. Having been a weight loss coach for years I’d read many, many, books on weight loss and no-one had mentioned this formula before.
I put it to the test with myself and my clients, and of course, being ‘the Only Way’ anyone has ever lost weight ever, it worked. It is not a diet, although it is quite obvious you will eat less food than you did before. However, your weight loss will be achieved without struggle, and this time when you achieve your goal you will have the ability to stay there forever. No more ups and downs, no more yo-yo dieting; imagine that.
Also. losing weight will not just affect your body and size, it will have a ripple effect, changing so many parts of your life. The techniques you will learn and the tools you’ll be given will help you to achieve success in any other parts of life. I work with people all over the world via Zoom. Follow this link to contact me and find out how you can work with me to achieve your freedom. Contact me.
``Autosuggestion is an instrument which you have to learn how to use, just like any other instrument. An excellent gun in inexperienced hands gives wretched results.”
Emile Coue
The Only Way™
This weight loss program, ‘The Only Weigh’™ has been produced with you in mind. The ultimate aim is to set you free from the modern day epidemic of overeating and overindulgence that creates so much unhappiness. Yes, we can have it all, but it hasn’t made us happy.
If you’ve had enough of the diet industry and enough of the struggle it’s time to wake up and find a better way of doing things. Let’s face it, what you’ve been doing doesn’t work, if it did you’d already be back at your natural slim state. Yet, even though it isn’t working you keep on doing it, expecting a different result.
You won’t achieve your dream by dieting, You’ll only do it by changing your mind, by thinking differently, and by changing your focus. That’s what this program is designed to do, because you do need help, in the beginning. So let a weight loss expert hold your hand and lead you and guide you into a new way of being, so you can ultimately be free.
Imagine being free forever; to live your life as it was intended to be lived. You deserve it!
Check out ‘The Only Way’ program here:

Decide what suits you best:
In Person
For those who live locally to and can travel to Chichester for therapy sessions.
Online in a Virtual Therapy Room
Working together via Zoom. The Zoom platform allows face to face contact from any location in the world at a time that suits you.
Downloadable Audio Programmes
These programmes are currently being developed for you to download all the audio files and documentation to give you access to, 'The Only Way' program. The most amazing weight loss program developed to date.
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Advice, Information & News
Lose Weight, Feel Great
with Making Positive Changes
Christine Wesson of Making Positive Changes offers effective solutions to your problems. Working from her Chichester Clinic she has been working with, and helping clients for over sixteen years. She sees clients individually, and she also works with clients both nationwide and worldwide. Using an on-line meeting room means that clients can access her services wherever they are. You’ll be amazed at the difference hypnotherapy can make to your life. Our base in Chichester means we are easily accessed from the whole of West Sussex, Hampshire and East Sussex. Christine developed ‘The Only Way’™ to Lose Weight Program in 2021 and she is now offering it worldwide.